Yellow Wavy Line
Yellow Wavy Line
Yellow Leaves

Gather the Supplies

Scrap fabric Hot Glue Gun Fiber Fill Stuffing Scissors and Measuring Tape Branch or Wine Cork for Stem Rubber Bands Ribbon and Embellishments

Yellow Leaves

Measure and cut your scrap pieces of fabric.  You can make the pumpkins any size.  See the full tutorial for fabric recommendations and the size templates for my DIY fabric pumpkins. 

Measure and Cut Fabric

Measure and Cut Fabric

Glue the Fabric Seam

Fold your fabric in half with the short edges together and the pattern on the inside.  Glue the two ends together leaving a gap in the middle. 

Gather the ends of one of the raw edge sides to form the bottom of the fabric pumpkin.  Secure with a rubber band and then hot glue to keep it in place

On the opposite end place your pumpkin stem in the center.  Then gather the edges, secure with a rubber band and hot glue in place. 

Using the hole you left in the side seam, flip the fabric pumpkin inside out. 

Stuff the fabric pumpkin full over fiber fill.  You you are going to add twine, you'll need to stuff it full

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Glue the seam closed

To add twine, start at the bottom, criss cross over the stem and tie it off at the bottom of the pumpkin 

Add ribbon and embellishments to finish off your simple fabric pumpkin

Grab the fabric pumpkin template sizes and make your own no-sew fabric pumpkin!